Face Serum, Balm & Oil
Find natural face serums, balms & oils at Pure'n'Well. Cold-pressed, gentle on skin, high-quality nutrients. Alteya, i+m NATURKOSMETIK, Hemptouch, Les Huilettes. Shop today!
Find natural face serums, balms & oils at Pure'n'Well. Cold-pressed, gentle on skin, high-quality nutrients. Alteya, i+m NATURKOSMETIK, Hemptouch, Les Huilettes. Shop today!
Face Serum and Oils in natural cosmetics are extremely popular, because they are made on a pure natural base, without the use of dyes, artificial or preservatives, and thanks to this they are gentle on your skin.
Benefits: Cold-pressed oils retain all vitamins and minerals, so you can be sure that only high-quality nutrients are absorbed into the skin. Oils ensure a fresh look to your skin and leave a feeling of softness. The thin protective layer that forms after application to the skin effectively reflects the harmful effects of the environment.
How to use: Make sure that the oils are always applied to damp skin, because they do not have the ability to moisturize by themselves, even when applied to dry skin, they can dry it out. Properly selected face serum or oil for your skin type does not leave a greasy feeling.
If you have doubts about which face serum, balm or oil would be suitable for your skin type, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you with your choice.
We invite you to explore our range and experience the difference of non-toxic living. Shop now at Pure'n'Well!
Pure'n'Well represents a transparent place where we offer you only selected natural cosmetics and cleaners made from real ingredients and above all without dangerous substances.
We strictly filter only pure products without compromises. We are not only green or natural —we are non-toxic.
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*Deze website biedt alleen informatie en mag geen medisch advies vervangen / This website provides information only and should not replace medical advice
As of December 31, 2024, our e-shop remains closed.
We thank all our customers for their trust in our products and wish you all the best on your non-toxic journey.