Are you wondering if eczema is contagious? We can reassure you right away that the answer is no. The majority of us have encountered dry and sensitive skin, itching and redness accompanied by rash at some point in our lives. How to recognize if and what kind of eczema it is? Is it a reaction to a selected chemical component or to food or metals? Is it the body's reaction to an overgrowth of yeast or other pathogenic organisms or a reaction to something in the environment? Is it a manifestation of impaired immunity and intestinal microbiome, e.g. due to vaccination? The shape and size of this type of rash varies from person to person, and its characteristics also differ greatly, because the reasons for its occurrence are quite complex. Let’s look into it more in this blog.
What is eczema?
Eczema is the name for a group of inflammatory skin conditions that cause itchiness, dry skin, rashes, scaly patches, blisters and skin infections. There are seven different types of eczema: atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, nummular eczema, seborrheic dermatitis and stasis dermatitis. For lighter skin, eczema can present as red, inflamed skin. For darker skin tones, eczema can present as brown, purple, gray or ashen. Itchy skin is the most common symptom of eczema.
It often appears in childhood and can persist until adulthood. It most often occurs in young children, but it can occur at any age. It most commonly appears in the folds of the arms and legs, the back of the neck, the back of the hands, the tops of the feet and the wrists.
The reason for its occurrence is not fully understood, but researchers believe that it is triggered by an overactive immune response. Dominant triggers include stress, followed by contact with irritating ingredients, chemicals or preservatives found in cleaners and detergents, perfumes, external allergens such as pollen, mold, dust or mites, inappropriate or aggressive skincare products, skin contact with certain materials such as wool, temperature changes, sweating, allergies to certain foods, etc. In addition, researchers have discovered that some people with eczema do not make enough of a protein called filaggrin. This protein is responsible for keeping the skin moisturized and healthy.
Atopic eczema
Atopic dermatitis, the most common type of eczema (sometimes referred to as “atopic eczema”). Skin with atopic eczema is typically itchy, very dry and prone to irritation. Atopic eczema usually has two phases: an active (or acute) phase and a non-active phase. It is very important that people who are prone to atopic eczema properly protect their skin during the non-active phase, as this helps to prolong the periods between the active phases and, when it does occur, the atopic eczema causes less discomfort.
Eczema can appear anywhere, but there are some places where it tends to appear the most often.
Atopic eczema on the feet/legs
It can stem from external influences or as a combination of several factors. Dry skin is certainly one of the main causes of eczema on the legs/feet, as it is prone to peeling and itching, especially in winter. When scratching, the skin is easily damaged and becomes more susceptible to infections and the spread of eczema. It is important to ensure regular care of the dry skin of the legs and feet, as this helps to strengthen the hydrolipidic layer of the epidermis, which builds the skin's first protective barrier. When you need to properly hydrate your legs or feet, we recommend using butters and creams for proper hydration of skin and the Soothing CBD Skin Balm from Hemptouch in a more acute phase.

Atopic eczema on the hands
A very common condition, including people who are not normally prone to having any type of eczema. Frequent washing and disinfecting of hands, cold weather and other factors can burden the skin to such an extent that it becomes more susceptible to imbalances, which can result in the appearance of eczema on the hands. In order to keep the skin on the hands moisturized, nourished and protected, we advise daily use of a hand cream in winter or in a period when hands are exposed to this burden heavily. In the event of a flare-up of eczema, treat the problematic areas with our Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm, which offers rapid relief for acute skin changes.

Eczema on the face
One of its most obvious symptoms is dry skin. It most often appears in the area of the cheeks and chin. When the skin is very dry, it loses moisture significantly faster and is more prone to changes caused by inflammation, as well as infections. This is why it is so important to ensure the skin on the face is properly hydrated. Careful and consistent care is the key to keeping the skin moisturized and balanced by using a face cream or a face oil. In the event of a worsening of the condition of the skin, use a Rescue CBD balm by Hemptouch on the most affected places.

Eczema on the eyelids
The skin around the eyes and on the eyelids is exceptionally sensitive because it is very thin. This particularly delicate area of the face is characterized by skin that is approximately three times thinner than on other areas of the face. This very fact makes it especially sensitive and prone to dryness and irritation. In the case of eczema on the eyelids, gentle cleansing of the skin is especially important, as well as skincare that should not include essential oils and ingredients that could cause potential irritation. We recommend a combination of two products that address all of the above. Facial cleanse for sensitive skin that gently and thoroughly cleanses without irritating or drying, and one of the Hemptouch balms for atopic skin that treat eczema flare-ups and protects the skin from inflammation and external influences.
Eczema on the scalp
Scalp eczema is also known as seborrhoeic dermatitis. It can appear in infants in the form of scaly patches on the crown of the head, but is also common later in adulthood. As a rule, this type of condition is also accompanied by dandruff. A rash can also appear on other parts of the face, such as around the eyebrows, eyelids and sides of the nose. In the case of seborrhoeic dermatitis on the scalp, it is very important to choose a suitable shampoo that targets the scalp. It is recommended that you avoid artificial foaming agents, silicones and synthetic ingredients that could further irritate the skin. At Pure’n’Well we offer two very gentle shampoos suitable for irritated skin which gently cleanse and restore the scalp's balance.
Non-toxic household and eczema skin care
What can you do immediately when an eczema appears?
Firstly, stop using anything with a synthetic fragrance at home (this applies to all members of the household!). It is one of the most common allergens and can contain a number of toxic and irritating components and we wrote more about the nasty secrets of perfumes in our blog if you are interested to understand this topic better.
Start using non-toxic detergents and cleaning products. This is the simplest and fastest measure. It is important to remember that washing and cosmetics are a priority in the treatment of eczema, because they are the ones that burden the eczematous skin the most (we are in contact with detergent residues almost continuously and we use cosmetics to a greater or lesser extent every day). We are choosing only non-toxic and natural cleaning and detergent products to our store and recommending trying products from Alchymistky brand. Read more about natural laundry washing and cleaning and how to start in our blog.
It is necessary to immediately swap conventional cosmetics full of chemicals and replace them with safe cosmetics with natural ingredients and no chemical conservants and irritants (it is ideal to do your personal care without cosmetics completely for a while and use only purely natural ingredients instead).
A suitable hydrolate, also called flower water, can be used for hydration and antibacterial action. Unlike essential oils, where safe use is limited by age, hydrolate is suitable even for the smallest children. We recommend mainly chamomile or lavender to start with.
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Documents from the Facebook group of a non-profit organization Svet Non Toxic.